Kashmiris reserve the privilege to stand up for Muslims,Taliban representative, طالبان کے نمائندے ، مسلمانوں کے لئے کھڑے ہونے کا استحقاق ہے


Taliban agent

KABUL: (Web Desk) Afghan Taliban agent Sohail Shaheen has said that the Afghan Taliban hold the choice to go to bat for the Muslims of involved Kashmir.

Kashmiris hold the honor to defend Muslims: Taliban delegate

Kashmiris hold the honor to defend Muslims: Taliban delegate

KABUL: (Web Desk) Afghan Taliban delegate Sohail Shaheen has said That the Afghan Taliban hold the choice to defend the Muslims of involved Kashmir Taliban agent Sohail in a zoom interview with the BBC Shaheen explored the specifics of the Doha simultaneousness with the United States He said that they would finish prepared exercises against any country There is no methodology.

Doha Sohail

Tending to Doha, Sohail Shaheen said that being a Muslim, this They hold the honor to live in Kashmir, India and some other country Raise your voice for Muslims. We will talk all the more noisily and say this, Muslims You have your own family. You have your own inhabitants - under your guideline They merit comparable opportunities. The eyes of the world are on India.Pundits say he has been India's state head starting around 2014

Narendra Modi BJP

Against Muslims during the norm of Narendra Modi Hate infringement are on th rise. Regardless, the BJP and its accomplices have denied the charges Denies, illegal from three connecting countries The sketchy guideline giving citizenship to non-Muslim exiles has similarly been seen as a target for Muslims, according to the BBC. Various occupants are angry over the vehicle.

Responding to charges that the plane was appropriated in 1999, Sohail Shaheen stated that the Taliban played had no impact in the seizing and that the Indian government should be offered thanks toward for the help it gave. India referenced that the plane run out of fuel and after that we gave assistance to the appearance of the unwanted voyagers. Sohail Shaheen has faulted Indian media for against Taliban deliberate exposure.

Haqqani Network Activities

Sohail Shaheen examines the Haqqani Network He said that the exposure against Haqqanis relied upon straightforward cases The Haqqanis are not a get-together, they are significant for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Are. They are the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

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