Risk of war turned away in Panjshir, Ahmed Masood reports support for Taliban, پنجشیر میں جنگ کا خطرہ ٹل گیا، احمد مسعود نے طالبان کی حمایت کی اطلاع دی۔



In 1998, when I was 9 years of age, my dad, the mujahideen commandant Ahmad Shah Massoud assembled his troopers in a cavern in the Panjshir Valley of northern Afghanistan. They sat and tuned in as my dad's companion, French scholar Bernard-Henri Lévy, tended to them. At the point when you battle for your opportunity, Lévy said, you battle likewise for our opportunity.

Ahmad Massoud is the head of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan

Ahmad Massoud is the head of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan

Ahmad Shah Masood

KABUL - The risk of war has been diverted in Panjshir area, which has been seen areas of strength for as Afghanistan till now, Ahmed Masood, offspring of past adversary of Taliban commandant Ahmad Shah Masood, announced his assistance for the Taliban. According to nuances, the risk of fight in Afghanistan's Panjshir domain was dismissed and Ahmed Masood, offspring of past jihadi commandant Ahmed Shah Masood, detailed his assistance for the Taliban.

Amrullah Saleh

A gigantic number, including past Afghan Vice President Amrullah Saleh, had shown up at the Panjshir Valley after the Taliban took care of the capital, Kabul. Masood's youngster Ahmad Shah had also started preparing for war and had in like manner searched for help from the United States.

Most recent reports

Regardless, according to the latest reports, the conversations between Ahmed Masood and the Taliban have been compelling and they have announced their assistance for the Taliban. Haqqani's kin, Khalil-ur-Rehman Haqqani, stood up during a social event in Kabul and detailed that Ahmed Masood had pronounced his assistance for the Taliban through phone.


The news couldn't be easily asserted via independent sources. Earlier, Ahmed Masood had said that he had no point of fighting the Taliban. He said that principal past VP Amrullah Saleh required a contention. Remain or go to some place else. It ought to be seen that the Taliban have not had the choice to enter the Afghan region of Panjshir yet. Panjshir was before part of Parwan district which was given the circumstance with an alternate domain in 2004.

Panjshir area is Bazarak

The capital of Panjshir area is Bazarak, the old neighborhood of past jihadi overseer and past insurance serve Ahmad Shah Masood. After the Taliban came to control, Ahmad Shah Masood really protected the valley. Around then, at that point, the city has transformed into a post of against Taliban powers and by and by Ahmad Masood, offspring of the late Ahmad Shah Masood, is in the public power outfitted force and close by nearby armed force. Are driving.

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