Stanikzai a key Taliban pioneer prepared at the Indian Military Academy, طالبان کے ایک اہم علمبردار ستانکزئی انڈین ملٹری اکیڈمی میں پڑھے


ISLAMABAD: Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai was ready in the 1982 bunch of the Indian Military Academy (IMA) at Dehradun, India's most huge military readiness establishment. Stanikzai, 60, is right now a Taliban part. Is one of the seven most great trailblazers.

Stanikzai, 60, is presently a Taliban part.

Stanikzai, 60, is presently a Taliban part.

Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai

Islamabad (Urdu. August 20, 2021) Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai was ready in 1982 group of Indian Military Academy (IMA) at Dehradun, India's most critical military planning foundation. Is quite possibly of the most great pioneer in Afghanistan

Past Indian Major General DA Chatterjee, who arranged with Stanekzai, said Stanekzai was 20 years old when he joined the IMA.

Respectable Man

He was one of the 45 respectable man volunteers of the Karen Company of the IMA's Bhagat Battalion. "We used to call him 'Shiro'. Didn't look inclined towards religion.

"He was incredibly notable among us," says surrendered Major General Chatterjee, who has been conceded India's most regarded military differentiations, the Param Vishisht Seva Medal, the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal and the Sena Medal.


They looked to some degree more prominent than various learners at the establishment. He had a brilliant mustache. Around then, at that point, there was no zeal in his conviction framework. He looked like a typical Afghan select who needs to focus profoundly on India.

The IMA has been surrendering new students since opportunity, but the strategy associated with yielding Afghan enlisted people began in 1971 after the Indo-Pakistani struggle.


Surrendered Colonel Kesar Singh Shakhawat, another cluster mate of Jais Abbas Stanikzai, a regular Afghan youth, says that Stanikzai came to the IMA directly from the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. To the degree that I review that, we once went to Rishi Kesh together and moreover swam in the stream Ganges.

I similarly have a picture of the day, wherein Shiro and I are in IMA's swimming outfit. They were agreeable and we every now and again went for walks in the woods and mountains on closures of the week.

Afghan National Army

Stanekzai had completed pre-commission getting ready at the IMA before enrolling in the Afghan National Army as a lieutenant. This was the place where the past Soviet Union was leaving Afghanistan.

Stanekzai left the Afghan equipped power in 1996 to join the Taliban. He was moreover connected with talks with the Clinton association to get the Taliban painstakingly saw by the United States.

A 1997 report in the New York Times on India's relationship in Afghanistan portrayed him as the Taliban's acting new minister.

It communicates that he learned English during his visit in India. In later years, he became one of the Taliban's rule referees. His capacity in English and military arrangement turned out to be very valuable. Whenever the Taliban spread out their political office in Doha, they were chosen as its chief and until the individual sponsor of the Taliban, Abdul Ghani Baradar, took command over the Doha office in 2019. Grip this position.

crucial authorities

Stanikzai is one of the crucial authorities in the Afghan concordance process. India could benefit from Stanikzai Major General Chatterjee acknowledges that Stanikzai could be a secret weapon for spreading out Taliban relations with India. He will surely have tender memories of his days in India.

I should say that this is an opportunity for the Indian Foreign Ministry to use the association of partners of Stanikzai having a spot with the IMA to deal with the Taliban. "

IMA Dehradun at this point gets ready volunteers from around 33 countries. Driving Pakistani military trailblazers who have gotten getting ready from IMA in the past recollect Commander-for Chief of the Pakistan Army General Muhammad Musa, Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Habibullah Khan Khattak, past Foreign Minister Colonel Sahibzada Yaqub Khan, Commander of Pakistan. These integrate Chief and Third President General Yahya Khan.

Afghanistan's Sikhs and Hindus Community are warm welcome in India. Leader of Bangladesh Mukti Bahini General MAG Usmani and Lieutenant General Khawaja Wasi-ud-Din who served in Pakistan Army and a while later Bangladesh Army furthermore got getting ready from Indian Military Academy Dehradun. Of

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