The United States has permitted global associations to manage the Taliban and the Haqqani organization, امریکہ نے عالمی تنظیموں کو طالبان اور حقانی تنظیم کو سنبھالنے کی اجازت دے رکھی ہے۔


Overall relationship

US licenses overall relationship to oversee Taliban and Haqqaninetwork to safeguard Afghanistan from supportive crisis.

The United States has allowed worldwide relationship to deal with the Taliban and the Haqqani association

The United States has allowed worldwide relationship to deal

with the Taliban and the Haqqani association

Unfamiliar news

According to the new news office, the United States streamed help to Afghanistan Is giving two licenses to extra prepare for the United States Its approvals on the Taliban in Afghanistan are others cognizant Can strengthen the crisis.

A license from the US government, NGOs and the United Nations, as demonstrated by the US Treasury Department Involvement of express worldwide relationship in dealing with the Taliban or the Haqqani Network Allows.

As demonstrated by the news office, the ensuing license grants worldwide relationship to make explicit trades with the Taliban government associated with the result of food, drug and clinical equipment.

Us Powers

The new authority totally male is included senior Taliban figures some of whom are renowned for attacks on US controls over the last two decades.It will be driven by Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund one of the improvement's originators who is on an UN blacklist.

Within serve is the feared FBI-required top of the Haqqani aggressor bundle Sirajuddin Haqqani.


The Taliban clutched control of most of Afghanistan more than three weeks earlier removing the previous picked power. The statement of the acting department is a critical stage in the improvement of a very sturdy Taliban government. The new drive will stand up to basic challenges not least offsetting the country's economy and gaining overall appreciation.

Bureau priests declared

The Taliban have as of late said they expected to shape an extensive government. In any case, the department ministers pronounced on Tuesday are all at this point settled Taliban pioneers, and no women were consolidated.

A statement attributed to Taliban Supreme Leader Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada encouraged the public power to keep up with Sharia.

The Taliban need strong and sound relations with our neighbors and any leftover countries considering normal respect and collaboration, said the clarification, conveyed in English with the reprobation that they would respect overall guidelines and settlements that are not in battle with Islamic guideline and the country's public characteristics.

Hibatullah Akhundzada has never appeared. This is the fundamental message appearing to come from him since the Taliban took control a month prior.

Hassan Akhund the new downtime top of the state, filled in as delegate new pastor from 1996 to 2001, while the social occasion was aft in power. He is powerful on the severe side of the turn of events, rather than the strategic side.

His game plan is seen as a put down some a reasonable compromise, after late reports of in-engaging between the some fairly protected Taliban figures and their hardline accomplices.

Haqqani network

Sirajuddin Haqqani the new acting inside serve, is top of the assailant bundle known as the Haqqani network who are cooperated with the Taliban and have been behind unquestionably the deadliest attacks in the country's two extremely long haul war recollecting a truck bomb impact for Kabul in 2017 that killed more than 150 people.

Not the slightest bit like the greater Taliban the Haqqani network has been appointed a new trepidation based oppressor relationship by the US. It moreover stays aware of close associations with al-Qaeda.

According to the FBI's profile on Haqqani, he is required for tending to with respect to the January 2008 attack on a hotel in Kabul that killed six people, including an American occupant.

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