Without precedent for history, ladies participate in a tactical procession on Saudi Arabia's National Day, تاریخ میں کوئی نظیر نہیں ملتی، خواتین سعودی عرب کے قومی دن کے موقع پر حکمت عملی کے ساتھ جلوس میں شریک ہوتی ہیں۔


National Day

Riyadh: For the underlying time all through the whole presence of Saudi Arabia, female contenders participated in a motorcade on Saudi National Day. Saudi women in various military positions partook in a gatekeeper walk on the occasion of the 91st National Day.

Numerous Saudis partook in the parade, enabling the Saudi outfitted force

Numerous Saudis partook in the parade, enabling the Saudi outfitted force

The motorcade means that Saudi Arabia's defenseTo the General Entertainment Authority of Saudi Arabia and In the capital Riyadh collectively with the Ministry of Defense Was held. Another tactical motorcade It was also held in Jeddah. In this walk Hundreds of Saudis went to the event Encouraged the military.

Military Procession

Women participated in the yearly Saudi National Day military parade unprecedented for the Kingdom's arrangement of encounters on Thursday. Female heroes of different positions strolled in the really long walk in acknowledgment

The Ministry of Interior in a joint exertion with the General Entertainment Authority had composed the event in the capital Riyadh. A near parade was in like manner held in the city of Jeddah. Numerous Saudi nationals and tenants went to the event and waved the Saudi standard and cheered as the contenders strolled on.

Saudi National Day is perceived reliably on September 23 to stamp the renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 following a grand calling from King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud.

The GEA composed many activities and events that will end up checking the occasion starting from September 23 to 25. The Ministry of Health asked all occupants and occupants to adhere to cautious advances generally through the celebrations to thwart the spread of COVID-19

Arabia’s Ministry

In February Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Defense pronounced that women could now pursue occupations in the military through their bound together affirmation doorway. The move goes under Crown Prince Mohammed container Salman's Vision 2030 drive introducing changes that advance Saudi Arabian women in various fields.

Women were allowed to enroll in the Saudi Arabian Army Royal Saudi Air Defense, Royal Saudi Navy Royal Saudi Strategic Missile Force and Armed Forces Medical Services.

Saudi Arabian women have in like manner been enlisted as officials skewer corporals sergeants and staff sergeants according to the help.

To enlist in the military a woman ought to be between the age of 21 and 40 years old be 155 centimeters tall or above and can't be an organization delegate.

She ought to moreover pass affirmation systems have a flawless law breaker record and be helpfully fit for organization. A Saudi Arabian woman ought to similarly hold a free open character card have essentially an optional school guidance, and can't be hitched to a non-Saudi Arabian occupant

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